RECOM Reconciliation Network


Students-Prishtinë/Priština, Kosovo-April 15, 2009

2009, Kosovo, National Consultation, Students

National Consultation with Students on the Initiative for RECOM


The National Consultation with students on the initiative for RECOM was organized by the non-governmental youth organization Integra Association (Kosovo) and was attended by 40 students and three monitors, members of associations of victims’ families. Four panelists, Kushtrim Koliqi (Integra Association, Kosovo), Shukrie Gashi (Partners Kosova, Kosovo), Bekim Blakaj (Humanitarian Law Center, Kosovo), and Ivan Novosel (Legalis, Croatia) gave their introductions as specified by the agenda. KosovaPress was the only media house that published an article on this event.

Comments, suggestions and opinions

This website was created and maintained with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of the RECOM Reconciliation Network and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.