The European Parliament calls for establishing of RECOM
On February 4, 2016, the European Parliament adopted its annual resolution on Serbia’s EU integration progress in 2015. As in previous years, the resolution expresses support for the establishment of RECOM.
25. “Encourages Serbia to further cooperate with the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY), in the spirit of reconciliation and good-neighbourly relations; underlines the importance of an overarching national strategy for domestic handling of war crimes; urges the authorities to continue working on the issue of the fate of missing persons, as well as on preparing a reparation scheme for victims and their families as an important precondition for reconciliation, ensuring the right of victims’ families to know the fate of their missing family members; points out that a law on civilian victims should be adopted without any undue delay bearing in mind that the existing legislation does not recognise several groups of war crime victims; notes that controversies still occur, particularly in the context of different interpretations of recent history; reiterates its support for the RECOM initiative, the regional commission for the establishment of facts about war crimes and other serious violations of human rights committed in the former Yugoslavia.”
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