Artists-Prishtinë/Priština, Kosovo-May 10, 2009
2009, Artists, Kosovo, National ConsultationNational Consultation with Artists on the Initiative for RECOM
The consultation with artists on the Initiative for RECOM was organized by the Youth Initiative for Human Rights (Kosovo). Ten film and theater artists took part in the consultation, most of whom are active in the non-governmental sector and as many as 22 monitors, mostly from the YIHR, two from international organizations, and one observer from the Swiss embassy, and a journalist. Nataša Kandić (Humanitarian Law Center, Serbia), Haris Pašović (a theatre director from Sarajevo, BiH) and Salem Čorbo (Povratak i održivi opstanak Association, BiH) gave introductory presentations. Koha Ditore reported on the event.
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