Dva lica pravde – Dokumentarni film
Dva lica pravde je istraživački dokumentarni film koji 20 godina nakon osnivanja Međunarodnog krivičnog suda za bivšu Jugoslaviju postavlja brojna...
Dva lica pravde je istraživački dokumentarni film koji 20 godina nakon osnivanja Međunarodnog krivičnog suda za bivšu Jugoslaviju postavlja brojna...
I Run for RECOM
Sports should unite people regardless of their political, civil, religious and ethnic background. This was the motto of the people...
As court winds up its work, Bosnian communities don’t all buy into the common historical narrative it was supposed to...
The European Union (EU) must do everything it can to ensure Serbia addresses the culture of impunity for war crimes,...
Today, on 11.05.2014, the Coalition for RECOM took part in the Pristina half marathon, the 5 km. Fun Run. During...
Sports should unite people regardless of their political, civil, religious and ethnic background. This was the motto of the people...
Svetlana Slapšak
The Coalition for RECOM took part Sunday (May 11, 2014) in the marathons in Pristina and Skopje. In both events,...
This website was created and maintained with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of the RECOM Reconciliation Network and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.