Every trace of baby Florentina’s existence was destroyed.
Florentina died in the column heading to Albania. She was buried by the road in the village of Bishtazhin. Immediately...
Florentina died in the column heading to Albania. She was buried by the road in the village of Bishtazhin. Immediately...
Jasmin lived with his mother. He was mobilized into the VJ on March 24, 1999, and sent to Kosovo. He...
Zvezdan was killed in clashes with the KLA. His family buried him on April 20, 1999, at the cemetery in...
Fadil stayed in the house after the police ordered everyone to leave the village. No one has seen or heard...
Zylfie and her immobile husband Zymer were last seen on April 14, 1999, near Junik, in a column of civilians...
Bishtazhin, Municipality of Gjakova, 14/4/1999 Nushe (Dinë/Kade) Aliaj, 1930. Florie (Tafë/Zoje) Tafa, 1973. Mirsade (Sadik/Gjyle) Isufi, 1980. Vllaznim (Ali/Sabrije) Salihaj,1981....
Ahmet (Mehmet/Nazmije) Musa, 1978. On April 8, 1999, members of the Serbian forces took Ahmet Musa, his brother-in-law Naim Asllani,...
Centre for Civic Education (CCE/CGO), on behalf of the RECOM Reconciliation Network, is renewing third Call for projects from civil society...
The Helsinki Committee for Human Rights published the monograph THE CODE OF PRESPA, The Story of the “Lost Road” by...
The exhibition “Art for Reconciliation” was held on 31st October 2022 at the Art Gallery in Tetovo portraying the art...
The ethnic division of the city of Mitrovica has determined everything else in the daily life of its citizens....
Before you is a book from the series of publications on detention sites in Bosnia and Herzegovina, between early 1992...
This website was created and maintained with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of the RECOM Reconciliation Network and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.