RECOM Reconciliation Network

human library


Human Library

GAIA, sub-granting


The ethnic division of the city of Mitrovica has determined everything else in the daily life of its citizens. Where one had their morning coffee, where they went to school, where they lived, where they worked, who was their neighbor, where did they eat, in which park did they spend their afternoons? For a moment everything drastically changed.


On Friday, November 4, during the Human Library, four citizens of Mitrovica will tell us about these changes and how they have affected their lives:

♦Skender Sadiku
♦Hasime Tahiri Hasani
♦Igballe Peci Cena
♦Remzi Aliu

Things to have in mind regarding Human Library:
• During the event there will be “library guides” who will be responsible for explaining the procedure of the Human Library to the participants when they arrive.
• The most important rule of the Human Library: mutual respect (between human book and participants). If a book feels a conversation is not happening in a respectful manner, they can stop the conversation and inform the library guides about it. “Human Books” have the freedom to answer and not to answer certain questions.
• Every 15 minutes the “library guides” will ring a bell and the “readers” have to switch the tables.

On Friday, November 4th
Time 17:00
At @socialspacefordeconstruction

See you!
Project “Challenging Propaganda through Remembrance” is part of the project “RECOM Reconciliation Network” funded by the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of GAIA Kosovo and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.


This website was created and maintained with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of the RECOM Reconciliation Network and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.