RECOM Reconciliation Network


Families of the Missing, Veterans-Vukovar, Croatia-October 24, 2008

2008, Croatia, Families of the Missing, National Consultation, Veterans

National Consultation with Associations of the Families of the Missing and Homeland Defenders on the Initiative for RECOM


The consultation was organized by Documenta (Croatia), the Alliance of Associations of the families of detained and missing Croatian homeland defenders (Croatia), and the Mothers of Vukovar Association (Croatia). There were 30 participants, mostly representatives of victims’ associations, veterans, and human rights organizations activ- ists. The initiative to create RECOM was pre- sented by Vesna Teršelič (Documenta, Croatia), Nataša Kandić (Humanitarian Law Center, Serbia), Katarina Kruhonja (Center for Peace, Non- violence, and Human Rights, Croatia), and Mirko Kovačić (Mothers of Vukovar Association, Croatia). Croatian Radio Vukovar, B92 and Vukovarske novine reported on the gathering.


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This website was created and maintained with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of the RECOM Reconciliation Network and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.