RECOM Reconciliation Network


NGO’s, Victims’ Associations-Prishtinë/Priština, Kosovo-May 9, 2009

2009, Association of Victims, Kosovo, National Consultation, NGO's

National Consultations with NGO’s on the Initiative for RECOM

The consultation was organised by Partners-Kosova (Kosovo) and was attended by 22 participants mostly representing the non-governmental sector and victims’ associations. There were two representatives of the government of Kosovo (Missing Persons’ Commission), an imam and a journal- ist. Four representatives of different international organizations took part in the discussion. Shukrie Gashi (Partners Kosova, Kosovo), Nataša Kandić (Humanitarian Law Center, Serbia), Salem Čorbo (Povratak i održivi opstanak Association, BiH) and Avni Melenica (22 May Association, Kosovo).

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