RECOM Reconciliation Network


NGO’s-Zagreb, Croatia-July 16, 2008

2008, Croatia, National Consultation, NGO's

National Consultation with Civil Society on the Initiative for RECOM


Documenta (Croatia) organized the consultation. A total of 29 representatives of civil society in Croatia attended the gathering. Vesna Teršelič (Documenta, Croatia) and Eugen Jakovčić (TV Jadran, Croatia) informed the participants of the present course of the consultation on of truth- seeking, initiative for establishing the regional com- mission, and the establishment of the Coalition for Support for Establishing the Regional Commission. It was announced that the coalition would be offi- cially presented at the Fourth Regional Forum on Transitional Justice in Prishtinë/Priština in October 2008.

All participants supported the regional approach stating that it represents the only possible way to establish all facts about war crimes and the fate of the missing.

They underlined the significance of collecting information about all victims of war and the necessity to prosecute war crimes. They also expressed their concern about slow investigations and always present ethnically bias in prosecution of war crimes.

It was concluded that the initiative should encom- pass as wide a circle of civil society organizations as possible and that support for the initiative should be sought at local levels as well. With this regard, presentations, promotions and campaigns for the initiative should be organized and organizations at the local level should be linked and involved.

Participants also asked if the initiative should be placed in a wider context and if the European Union, OSCE, and International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia should be involved in the process as well.

Documents are available in local languages only:

Beleške sa sastanka-Documenta-Zagreb-16.07.2008.


Nacionalne konzultacije s civilnim društvom o inicijativi REKOM

This website was created and maintained with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of the RECOM Reconciliation Network and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.