Initiative RECOM at Singidunum University
Maja Micic delivers a lecture for 20 students from the region and other parts of the world
During the Summer School for the Comparative Study of Conflict, which was organized at the Faculty of Media and Communications on Thursday, July 3, a lecture was held on the Initiative for RECOM.
The Initiative for RECOM was presented within the module “Rethinking Transitional Justice – Lessons from the Balkans and Beyond,” by Maja Micic, a member of the Coalition for RECOM. During the one-hour lecture, Ms. Micic explained why RECOM is needed.
In addition, Ms. Micic presented the current advocacy process, as well as the goals and objectives of RECOM. In the discussion section of Maja Micic’s lecture, the class of about 20 students from the region and other parts of the world, talked about RECOM’s methodology and the challenges in advocating for RECOM, as well as the motives for continuing with the process.