“Dignity for the Missing” – 1,636 STILL MISSING
August 31, 2024 After Pristina, the second volume of the Kosovo Memory Book, titled “Dignity for the Missing”, was presented...
August 31, 2024 After Pristina, the second volume of the Kosovo Memory Book, titled “Dignity for the Missing”, was presented...
His sisters heard from the nuns that Borivoje showed them a certificate from the KLA that he could move freely.
In February 2003, the UNMIK police took statements from Petković’s neighbors. One confirmed that he was with Živko and Desanka...
Until the summer of 1998, he worked in the store of the agricultural cooperative in the village of Sheremet. Then...
The KFOR patrol came to Dojnice on the morning of June 28. All the houses were burned. The soldiers searched...
Insufficient blood samples were obtained to enable DNA identification of Natalia’s remains.
Bislim has no living close relatives who can provide a blood sample to identify his remains.
Sahit taught mathematics in high school, Ruzhdi (Suka) was a janitor in elementary school, Yll was a student, and Ruzhdi...
The brother saw his sister crossing the neighbor Rexhepi’s meadow from the forest. Then she vanished from his sight. She...
Isuf gave his brother Bali rubber boots so that he wouldn’t get wet while crossing the river. He left to...
People disappeared without a trace.
Ukshin Hoti was released a day before the end of his sentence. When the lawyer came to pick him up...
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