RECOM Reconciliation Network


Video Review of the Central Content and Events at the XVI REKOM Forum, Held on July 27-28, 2024, in Pristina

Dignity for the Missing, Forums on Transitional Justice

The forum was participated by 100 family members of those missing due to the war in Kosovo, alongside 150 civil society activists from Kosovo and other countries of the former Yugoslavia. The event featured the presentation of the Kosovo Book of Remembrance, “Dignity for the Missing,” to the families of the missing, testimonies from the families, and, for the first time in 25 years since the end of the war in Kosovo, a visit to the crime scenes and the laying of flowers at the graves of victims of Serbian police forces and the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA).

Two key messages marked this forum: The book “Dignity for the Missing” stands against the perpetrators’ plan to erase the missing from memory as if they never existed, and “Moving the Boundaries Among People to Respect All Victims.”


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