DOKUFEST and RECOM Debate: Dealing with the Past
Dokufest, jointly with the Coalition for RECOM invites you to participate in the debate about the regional reconciliation on...
Dokufest, jointly with the Coalition for RECOM invites you to participate in the debate about the regional reconciliation on...
Razpravi o spravi, ki sta nedavno potekali v Sarajevu in Beogradu sta pokazali, da imajo največjo moč v prenašanju sporočila...
Hrvaško narodno gledališče Ivan pl. Zajc (HNK Ivan pl. Zajc) in Koalicija za REKOM sta 19. novembra 2014 organizirala...
This website was created and maintained with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of the RECOM Reconciliation Network and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.